Le Le Talk EP03: 如何克服孩子學中文的挫折 — 西澳MIA的教養心得

Irene 邀請來自澳洲的Mia,她分享了如何從面對孩子不願學中文的挫折,到透過樂樂書系統幫助孩子重新愛上中文學習的故事。她的經驗告訴我們,只要堅持每天10分鐘的閱讀,即便在繁忙的生活中也能看見驚人的進步。本集對所有在中文學習路上遇到挑戰的家庭帶來了滿滿的啟發與信心。

In this episode of Le Le Talk Podcast, Irene invites Mia from Australia, who shares her journey from struggling with her children's resistance to learning Chinese to successfully reigniting their interest through the Le Le Reading System. Mia’s story highlights the power of consistency, showing how dedicating just 10 minutes a day can lead to remarkable progress. This episode is packed with inspiration for families facing challenges in their Chinese learning journey.

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